



Members' Days

Suchprice members must login before placing orders to enjoy the following benefits

Register as a Suchprice member now:
(Desktop) Click "Register" on upper right corner;
(Mobile) Go to the drop-down menu on upper right corner and then click "Register" .

Promo Description After signing up, Suchprice members can enjoy corresponding discount when the number of products in single order reaches certain quantity, as specified below.

2pc: 1% off entire order
3pc and/or above: 5% off entire order

This promo can be compounded with other discount codes/ member discount.
Promo Period On 2nd and 3rd of each month


Promo Description Selected brands are categorized as A, B and C which is shown on each product page. After signing up, Suchprice members can enjoy corresponding discount when the below requirement is fulfilled.

A+B: 5% off
A+B+C: 10% off

Category A
Category B
Category C

This promo can be compounded with other discount codes/ member discount.
Promo Period On 2nd and 3rd of each month

Promo Description After signing up, Suchprice members get 5% off on orders $1,000 or above. Discounts are applied in cart.

This promo can be compounded with other discount codes/ member discount.
Promo Period On 22nd and 23rd of each month.


🎖 Member Exclusive Offer 🎖
Payment discount on the specified methods

All customers enjoy 1% discount for the following payment methods, PayMe from HSBC/ Alipay / WeChat Pay/ UnionPay / FPS 

Members enjoy extra 0.5% discount for the above payment methods and Visa/MasterCard/Amex/PayPal. 

On the 1st of each month, a member mission will be released for members to earn extra points! Remember to subscribe to our e-newsletter in order to be notified!

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